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July 22, 2009 - Approved
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Scheduled Meeting of the Cemetery Commission was held Wednesday, July 22, 2009, at 6:30 P.M., for the purpose of transacting any and all business.  Notice of this meeting was posted on July 1, 2009.

Richard Rennard presided.  The meeting was called to order at 6:35pm.

Present during the meeting were Chairman David Gonet, board members, Elaine Milo and  Joanne Mizioch, Director of Public Services Richard N. Rennard, Jr., Cemetery Superintendant Ronald A. Malionek, and Dept. of Open Space Assistant Mary E. Fitzpatrick

Board members Phillip Burke and Ruth Kapnis were not present

  • The Greenhouse has been made water-tight.  Equipment can and is now being stored there.  Prior to the electrical installation the adjacent patio needs to be sealed.  
  • Richard Rennard reports that DPS can make the needed masonry repair to the “little” pond steps “in-house.”
  • Ron Malionek reports that this morning, July 22, 2009, the Board of Cemetery Commissioners (c/o the Dept. of Open Space) received two (2) checks from the Board of Commissioners of Trust Funds.  They are described as follows:
  • $ 885.00 made payable to Shea Roofing; and
  • $19,581.00 made payable to City of Salem Open Space, representing 3rd Quarter Perpetual Care Interest.    
Balances on all trust accounts were not included in this packet from the Trust Fund Commission.  

It was discussed that at the discretion of the Board, Perpetual Care Interest monies may be used for equipment, services, labor and improvements within the cemetery.

  • Ron Malionek reports receipts collected from April 15, 2009 – July 21, 2009.

04/15/2009 - 06/30/2009
07/01/2009 - 07/21/2009
Sale of Lots
Sale of Vaults (Liners)
Opening Full
Opening CR

  • Charter Street Burying Ground, Gravestone Conservation Project - FanninLehner Preservation Consultants – The project is 50% complete.  Their work had been hindered by the weather, but is now moving along.  They will provide before and after photos of the work being done.  At the next meeting a motion can be made to pay FanninLehner with monies from the Meldon Fund.  A request for disbursement can then be presented to the Trust Fund Commission.   
  • Ron Malionek reports that due to electrical re-wiring it would cost approximately six thousand dollars ($6,000.00) each to purchase and install additional fountains in the ponds.  At the next meeting a motion can be made to acquire fountains with monies from the Meldon Fund.  
  • The Bates Elementary School brick walkway project remains pending.  They are in the process of obtaining donations for the inscriptions on the bricks to be placed.  Department of Open Space personnel would lay the foundation and gravel for them.
  • An item not on the agenda but raised by Richard Rennard, was the possibility of converting some of the un-sold four (4) and six (6) grave lots in Harris Circle, Zinnia Path into two (2) grave lots.   As two members of the Board are absent it was decided to next discuss this subject at a meeting when all members are present.
  • The next meeting will be September 16, 2009 at 6:30pm.  
Meeting adjourned at 7:10pm